Indoor Mint Plant Care

Mint leaves are perfect for topping your favorite dessert, mixing into your summer drink, or even adding into your everyday meals! But for those of us with limited garden space, as well as those living in cold climates, growing mint can pose a problem. Not anymore! Learn how to care for your mint plant indoors to enjoy fresh mint leaves all year long!

This post is geared towards indoor mint plant care. To know how to grow your mint plant outdoors, check out my post Outdoor Mint Plant Care!

Don’t have a mint plant yet?!?! Get one here!!!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits. This helps me to keep providing awesome information to all of you!**

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Indoor Mint Plant Care: Light Requirements

Mint plants growing indoors need at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. It is best if placed on a south-facing window, however, if you don’t have a lot of natural indoor sunlight, then you can still grow your mint plant with the help of a plant light! Here is one of my personal favorites, a cheap, full-spectrum, and hidden plant light!

Indoor Mint Plant Care: Water Requirements

This plant can be grown in either soil, or in straight water. When grown in soil, only water your plant once the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the soil has become dry. If your plant is falling over, but is staying green or yellow, then your plant is being over-watered. However, if your plant is green or brown and wilting, this is a sign of too little water. Make sure to feel the soil to know if your plant is too wet or too dry.

Indoor Mint Plant Care: Additional Requirements

Indoor mint plants will never be as vigorous as outdoor mint plants. This could be good, however, as mint plants can become very invasive. To propagate this plant, you can root cuttings in straight water, then plant them into damp soil. Also, make sure to remove your plant’s flowers before they set seed, or else your plant will grow the seeds, then quickly decline. So make sure to prune off the flower well before this happens.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and that you will soon have plenty of fresh mint leaves for years to come! Feel free to leave any questions or comments below!

Happy Digging!

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How to Water your Air Plants the RIGHT Way!

Hey everyone! I know that we all LOVE air plants, but how the heck do you water something without any roots or any soil?!?! Well today I’m going to tell you exactly how to water your air plants so they stay happy and thriving!

Now there are two different methods. First is if your air plant is mounted/hot glued/fixed in any way to it’s stand. The second method (which is the preferred method) is for if your air plant is separate and can be removed from its mount, or if the mount is waterproof. So keep reading and use whichever method applies to you! But first, before you learn HOW to water your air plants, you need to make sure you’re using the correct TYPE of water…

If you want overall care tips for your air plant, check out my post here on air plant care!

Want to boost your air plant collection?! You can get some awesome air plants here!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing you with such awesome information!**

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What Kind of Water to Use for Air Plants

Unlike most other houseplants, air plants DON’T like distilled water! If it’s a choice between distilled or tap water, go with tap water every time! The main harm with tap water is its chlorine. But for this, you can simply leave your water out for about 30 minutes to allow the chlorine to dissipate. This should be your easiest choice of water.

To go to the next level with your watering, choose a natural source, such as rain water, pond water, or lake water. While the rain water is what your plant is used to in its natural habitat, spring water, pond water, or lake water can also be extremely good for your air plants because it is usually rich in nutrients. Another alternative to these is if you have an aquarium. Aquarium water can also be highly beneficial to air plants as your air plant can get added nutrients from this water as well.

The only recommendation that I have, however, is if you use one of these water sources that already contains nutrients, then hold off on the fertilizer. If you use both, then it could potentially be too much for your little guy!

Now… on to the exact methods!

How to Water Air Plants Method 1: Fixed to a Mount

If your air plant is fixed to a mount or a stand, then the best way to water your plant will be through misting. This can be tricky though as most people who mist their air plants end up with rotted, dead plants. (Trust me! I know from personal experience!!!)

To correctly mist your air plant, the important thing is to think of it more like a shower than a misting. Spray it with a spray bottle or a misting bottle until the leaves are dripping with water. (I would recommend placing it in a sink or on a towel while you do this).

The next two tips are vital to avoid rotting your plant! These two tips are: turn your plant upside down, and give it good air circulation.

After you mist your plant you should place it upside down for 10-15 minutes to allow any excess water drain out of the plant. This is vital! Air plants aren’t like bromeliads that can keep water cupped in their leaves. If you do this to your air plant, it will most likely die on you. Instead, give it a good shake and place it in a position where all of the excess water can drain out.

This was my first big lesson with air plants. My first tillandsia was glued into a hanging glass globe. Little did I know that while I was spraying it down, all of the excess water was collecting in the bottom of those glued-in rocks, which was cradling the very center of my air plant… And let’s just say, it didn’t appreciate the long-term bath! So please remember to drain any excess water off of your air plant!!!

Next, make sure that your plant has good air circulation while it is drying. Normal indoor air circulation is fine, but if your plants are in glass terrariums, or in some of those glass globes (like my first air plant), then you’ll need to help it out a bit with a light fan. This will help to avoid any rotting from excess moisture.

Once it has finished soaking up all of the water and has completely dried, then you will be good to go! Simply follow this spray, shake, and circulate a couple times each week dependent on the temperature and the amount of indirect sunlight. Then watch your beautiful plant thrive!

How to Water Air Plants Method 2: Removable Air Plant

The soaking method, or the water bath method, is the preferred method of watering and I recommend purchasing your air plants separately from their container for this reason. It will be a lot easier for you and your plant in the long run. However, note that the xeric air plants, (most air plants with fuzzy leaves, such as the tillandsia tectorum, or the tillandsia xerographica) don’t like as much water and will do best with the misting method mentioned above.

So what you do for this situation is… once every 7-10 days, fill up a large bowl (or your sink or tub depending on how many air plants you own) with lukewarm water and place your air plants inside. Leave them to soak for several hours. Your goal here is to give your plants a good soak. Let them absorb as much water as they possibly can. I’ve heard of some people leaving their air plants to soak for up to twelve hours!

After they are done soaking, then you NEED to place them upside down on a towel or dish cloth to drain. Let them drain for about 4 hours, or until they are completely dry. If you live in a humid climate, you can also speed up the drying process by placing a fan nearby to increase air circulation.

After the plant is completely dry, then it is ready to place back on its stand and wait anther 7-10 days to water it again. If the tips begin to turn brown, lightly mist your plant a few times during the week, or increase your watering frequency.

How Often Do I Water my Air Plant?

To know how often to water your air plant, you will need to consider several different factors. First, it will help if you know the genus tillandsia that you have. This will help you know if it comes from a humid environment, like south america, or if it comes from a more arid climate, like found in central america. Then, factoring in how much indirect light it is receiving, you can start off with an estimate of whether it would like more frequent or less frequent waterings. A good rule of thumb is to give your air plant small amounts of water. Then, if the tips of the leaves begin to brown, you will know to slightly increase your watering.

I hope this helps! Let’s keep our air plants happy and well-watered (but not rotting!!!) And if you have any questions or comments, feel free to join the Facebook group, Houseplants for Plant Killers or follow me on Youtube! I love hearing from you!

Happy Digging!

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Often do Air Plants Need to be Watered?

The frequency of water will change with both the time of year, the indoor humidity levels, and how much light your plant is getting. As a general rule of thumb, however, you should expect to give your air plant a good soak every 7 to 10 days.

Can you Soak Air Plants in Tap Water?

Yes. You can use tap water to soak your air plants. The best practice, though is to fill your bucket of water, then leave it out for at least 15-30 minutes to let the chlorine evaporate out. This will be much healthier for your plant without you sacrificing too much of your time.

Do Air Plants Need Sun?

Yes. They need sunlight. But not all tillandsia species do well with DIRECT sunlight. Instead, they do much better with lots of indirect, bright light. In general, if your plant has a lighter, pale color, then it will do better with more sun. If your plant is more vibrant in color, then it will most likely be fine in lower light or fluorescent light conditions.

How do you Water an Air Plant without Soaking It?

To water an air plant without soaking it, you can use the spray/misting method mentioned above. This will require more frequent watering, but is necessary for plants that are secured to a non-waterproof base. If the spraying is still getting too much water on the plant stand, however, it would be better off to gently remove the air plant and soak once per week as recommended.

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Outdoor Mint Plant Care

Hey guys! And welcome to another awesome post! Today I wanted to talk about proper plant care for growing mint outdoors. If properly taken care of, your mint plant will give you an endless supply of leaves all season long! Just follow these instructions to keep your plant not only healthy, but also keep it from overtaking all of your other plants!

**This post is geared towards growing mint outdoors. For information on indoor mint plant care, check out my post here!**

Don’t have a mint plant yet?! Get one here!!!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits. This helps me to keep providing awesome information to all of you!**

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Outdoor Mint Plant Care: Light Requirements

Mint plants can tolerate a wide range of sun conditions from full sun to part shade. Be aware, though, that if your plant is coming from a garden center or from a sales location that is indoors, it will need to be slowly acclimated to a full-sun position. Also keep in mind that any decorative mint plants (with variegated leaves) will need to receive more protection from the sun and will instead do best in a partly shaded area.

Outdoor Mint Plant Care: Water Requirements

Watering will vary with how much sun your plant is getting and how well-draining your soil is. If your plant is in full sun, it will need more water. Also, if your plant is in well- draining soil (such as in sandy soil) then it will also need more water. A good thing to do is to go out several times during the season and feel how moist or how dry your soil is. Then adjust accordingly. Mint normally likes to be kept moist, but not drowning in water.

Outdoor Mint Plant Care: Additional Requirements

Mint can be an invasive plant. You need to take precautions to keep this plant from spreading itself all across your yard. These two maintenance steps are easy to do and essential if you want to keep this plant under control. First, you need to keep the root system separated from your ground soil. The best way to do this is to grow it in a pot (either without drainage holes, or with the drainage holes placed away from any soil). You can also grow mint in a raised garden bed, but make sure to remove all of the roots after every season or to simply designate a mint area and make sure to cut or weed it to its designated area several times each summer. The second step is to remove all flowers before they set seed. Doing this will greatly reduce the spreading of your mint plant, and you will be able to enjoy your plant rather than constantly be in battle with it!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this information! Please use the share buttons to share it with your friends or to save it to your social media account! Also, feel free to leave any comments or questions below! I personally read every single one of them!

Happy Digging!

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Indoor Lavender Plant Care

Not all of us have outdoor space, and even if we do, bringing a lavender plant indoors can add color and fragrance to a space all summer long! But how exactly do we get our lavender plant to grow (and flower!!!) indoors?! It can sometimes be tricky with this plant, so be sure to follow this advice carefully!

Growing your lavender outdoors? Check out my post on Outdoor Lavender Plant Care!

Don’t have a gorgeous lavender plant yet? Get one here!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits at no extra cost to you. This helps me to keep providing awesome information to all of you!**

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Indoor Lavender Plant Care: Light Requirements

One of the biggest challenges with growing lavender indoors is providing it with enough sunlight that it can produce a good amount of flowers (instead of just a bunch of stretched out leaves). If you live in a region with mild winters, you might be able to get away with placing your lavender plant on a south- facing window ledge. However, for those of you in colder climates (that have shorter day lengths in the winter), you will need to purchase a plant light to shine over your lavender. This is because lavender plants need about 8 hours of sunlight a day to grow without stretching. You can find my favorite natural-looking and cheap plant light here!

Indoor Lavender Plant Care: Water Requirements

Lavender plants are used to being in hot, dry conditions… which means that the worst thing for them is to have their roots soaking in water. Keeping this in mind, only water your lavender plant when the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the soil is dry. Also make sure that your soil and pot has good drainage so that it dries out a couple of times each week. This is especially important in the winter as most people water their plants the same way throughout the year and end up drowning their plant in the winter when the plant uses only a fraction of their normal water.

Indoor Lavender Plant Care: Additional Tips

Another thing that helps lavender plants to grow is a slightly alkaline soil. To achieve this, you can dry and crush up eggshells. Then sprinkle these on the top of the soil. Next, remember to prune your plant in the fall or the spring in order to keep your plant from getting woody. I’ve included a video below to demonstrate exactly how to do this. Then as a final tip, be sure to harvest the flower stalks before the last flower has opened in order to get the scent and the oil at its most potent moment!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these care tips! And enjoy growing your own lavender indoors! Feel free to leave any comments and questions below. I love hearing from all of you! And once again, if you’re planning on growing your lavender outdoors (even if it’s only during the summer), be sure to check out my Outdoor Lavender Plant Care post!

Happy Digging!

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Low Light Plants for the Bathroom

Today I’m going to give you a list of 9 low light plants for the bathroom! Because, let’s face it, most of us don’t have large, beautiful windows that overlook the ocean from our luxurious bathtubs. Even though are bathrooms are dark, we can still make them feel luxurious with our plant choice! Now the only question is which plants will be able to survive my dark, humid bathroom? Well, here they are…

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Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #1: English Ivy – Hedera helix

This beautiful vine does great in low light situations. When you choose your English ivy, make sure to choose one with solid green leaves rather than white or yellow variegation. The green varieties do a lot better with low light conditions.

Buy one here!

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #2: Nerve Plant – Fittonia spp.

This colorful plant not only looks stunning, but it also prefers indirect light over direct sunlight. But be aware that the lower the light levels, the less bright this plant’s colors will be.

Buy one here!

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #3: Prayer Plant – Maranta leuconeura

The Prayer Plant does surprisingly well in low light conditions and it absolutely loves extra humidity.  Just be sure to place it in well-draining soil as this plant doesn’t like to stay wet.

Buy one here!

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #4: Rabbit’s Foot Fern – Davallia denticulata

Rabbit’s foot fern is known for its thick, furry roots that make quite a bold statement! And, as all ferns, this plant does well with moist bathroom conditions.

Buy one here!

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #5: Slipper Orchid – Paphiopedilum

The slipper orchid is the type of orchid that does the best in lower light conditions. Imagine having one of these beautiful orchids in your bathroom!

Buy one here!

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #6: Bird’s Nest Fern – Asplenium nidus

This fern is a personal favorite! I love how the thick, wavy leaves are sure to make a bold, tropical statement wherever they are placed! And, for a fern, this little guy isn’t nearly as messy as some other ferns can be.

Buy one here!

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #7: Bamboo Palm – Chamaedorea seifrizii

Bamboo Palm does better in low light than any of the other indoor palm trees. It also loves the added humidity found in most bathrooms. This extra humidity will also help keep the leaf tips from turning brown!

Buy one here!

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #8: Guzmania Bromeliad – Guzmania spp.

Bromeliads are nice plants to own in that they are slow growing, so they require little maintenance other than watering. They will also look great for years before they have an approximate 6 month long flower, and then they will produce new offsets while the parent plant will decline. This makes them incredibly easy-going plants!

Buy one here!

Low Light Plants for the Bathroom #9: Fancy-leafed Begonia – Begonia spp.

Fancy-leafed begonia needs less light than flowering begonias. And it’s a good thing, too, because with their colorful foliage, these plants can really brighten up any dark space!

Buy one here!

That’s it for my list! Remember, you can get away with placing any plant in poor lighting if you get two identical plants. Simply place one plant in good lighting and the other in the poor lighting, then switch them once a week! This will give each one enough light to stay healthy and still look good. And feel free to leave any questions and comments below! I absolutely love hearing from you!

Happy Digging!

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Top 10 Trending Indoor Plant Pots

What is up again everyone?!?! So today we’re going to have some fun with the top trending indoor plant pots! Right now we’ve seen some awesome, sleek, simplistic designs becoming popular. I give credit to the huge minimalist living movement, which has inspired simple lines and basic colors that soothe the mind after a long day at work.

So pick your favorite of these super cute pots and add it to your collection today!

**Note: This post contains affiliate links, which if purchased, I will receive a portion of the profits. This helps me to keep providing awesome information to all of you!**

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Indoor Plant Pots #1: Coral Lemons

Kicking it off with the bright ‘Living Coral’ Color of the Year, we’ve got a cute set of pots that feature bright lemons on a background of coral. These pots remind me a bit of an Andy Warhol painting… sure to brighten up any space with these splashes of color!

Get it here!

Indoor Plant Pots #2: White Ceramic Plant Containers with Gold and Grey Detailing

This pot set combines a modern shape with cool, minimalist colors that are sure to look great in any design! These are perfect for any area you want a small, attractive grouping of plants.

Get it here!

Indoor Plant Pots #3: Dundee Bronze Floor Planter

The Dundee Bronze floor planter is actually made of 100% iron with a bronze finish. Absolutely stunning for a modern, minimalist style, this pot is sure to last for years with its durable build. And consider purchasing it together with a plant stand to show it off!

Get it here!

Indoor Plant Pots #4: A & B Home Terracotta Planters

Going back to vintage, this blue color goes perfectly with the ‘Living Coral’ Color of the Year! This four-pot set each has a unique, antique pattern that looks great indoors or out.

Get it here!

Indoor Plant Pots #5: Ferris Wheel Succulent Pot Holder

It’s no wonder this cute little plant stand has been trending. What plant lover doesn’t want a plant Ferris Wheel! This set includes the pots along with the rotating stand that is sure to help your succulents make a statement!

Get it here!

Indoor Plant Pots #6: Ceramic Succulent Planter with Bamboo Drainage Trays

This set of 3 round succulents is meant for creating a grouping of small succulents that add a variety of colors and textures. It includes bamboo drainage trays that not only add another natural element to your planter, but it is also extremely practical in saving your tabletops from water damage!

Get it here!

Indoor Plant Pots #7: Ceramic Succulent Magnetic Pots

Be sure to check out this awesome succulent pot that is magnetic! This makes it perfect to easily hang on any magnetic surface. There is the square, trapezoidal, and watering can shaped pots available!

Get it here!

Indoor Plant Pots #8: Unbreakable Resin Plant Containers

This set of two indoor/outdoor pots is extremely durable! Made out of resin, they are heavier than plastic pots, but much lighter than real stone. Just be aware of the raised drainage plug at the bottom of the pot. It makes the actual pot depth about 8″.

Get it here!

Indoor Plant Pots #9: Geometric Hanging Planter

With the trend of vertical gardening, it’s no wonder that these modern hanging planters are such a hot item right now! Either buy one to accent a small space, or get several to create stylish wall decor!

Get it here!

Indoor Plant Pots #10: Modern Plant Stand Pots

If you’ve been paying any attention to the indoor plant scene, then I’m sure you’ve seen these super sleek modern plant stands. But the hardest part of achieving this look is finding a pot that doesn’t have sloping walls. Well, here it is! Here are the amazing vertical plant pots that have been starring in the most current modern homes!

Get it here!

There’s the roundup of 2019’s top trending pots! I’m excited to see what next year brings! Let me know in the comments below what you think about these pots, as well as which ones you have and like the best! For some indoor plant recommendations, check out my post on Modern Indoor Plants, Low Light Houseplants, or Plants for a BOHO Bedroom!

Happy Digging!

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How to Care for Lavender | An Ultimate Growing Guide!

Picture this: you’re strolling through a fragrant garden, and the unmistakable scent of lavender wafts through the air, instantly calming your senses. There’s just something magical about these purple beauties, isn’t there?

As a gardening enthusiast, I’ve always been drawn to the allure of lavender plants. Not only do they add a stunning pop of color to any landscape, but they also offer a myriad of uses, from culinary delights to soothing aromatherapy.

If you’ve ever dreamed of having your own lavender right in your backyard, you’re in luck! Growing and caring for lavender plants is easier than you might think, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of lavender, exploring the different types of lavender plants, sharing planting tips and tricks, and revealing the secrets to keeping your lavender thriving for years to come. Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or a novice gardener, you’ll find all the information you need to cultivate your very own piece of purple paradise.

So, grab your gardening gloves, and let’s get started!

Types of Lavender Varieties

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of planting and caring for lavender, let’s take a moment to explore the different types of lavenders available. Each variety has its own unique characteristics and care requirements, so it’s essential to choose the one that best suits your garden and growing conditions.

English Lavender

Lavandula angustifolia, or English lavender, is the most common type of lavender plant. It’s known for its sweet, floral aroma and is often used in perfumes, soaps, and culinary dishes. English lavender plants are hardy and can withstand colder temperatures than other lavender types, making it a great choice foryou if you live in a cold climate.

French Lavender

French lavender, or Lavandula dentata, is a bit more delicate than its English cousin. It features gray-green, serrated leaves and produces light purple flowers. French lavender prefers warmer temperatures and may not survive harsh winters, so it’s best suited for milder climates or grown in containers that can be brought indoors in late summer to be protected during colder months.

Spanish Lavender

Lavandula stoechas, or Spanish lavender, is a stunning variety with distinctive rabbit-ear-like bracts on top of the flower spikes. It has a strong, camphor-like scent and is more heat-tolerant than other types of lavender. Spanish lavender is an excellent choice for gardens in warmer regions or for those looking to add a unique touch to their lavender collection.


Lavandin is a hybrid of English and Portuguese lavender, combining the best qualities of both varieties. It’s known for its high oil content, making it a popular choice for commercial oil production for essential oils. Lavandin plants are typically larger and more vigorous than other lavender types, and they can tolerate a wider range of growing conditions.

Now that you’re familiar with the different types of lavender plants, you can make an informed decision about which variety will work best in your garden. Keep in mind that each type has slightly different care requirements, so be sure to research the specific needs of your chosen lavender plant to ensure its success.

Planting Lavender

Now that you’ve chosen your perfect lavender variety, it’s time to get your hands dirty and start planting! Whether you’re starting from seeds or seedlings, planting lavender is a relatively straightforward process. Let’s break it down step by step.

When to Plant Lavender

The best time to plant lavender depends on your climate and the type of lavender you’ve chosen. In general, it’s best to plant lavender in the spring or early fall, when the weather is mild and the soil is warm. Avoid planting during the heat of summer or the depths of winter, as this can stress the plants and hinder their growth.

Preparing the Planting Site

Lavender plants thrive in well-draining soil and full sun, so it’s crucial to choose a planting site that meets these requirements. If your soil is heavy or a clay soil, consider amending it with sand or gravel to improve drainage. You can also create raised beds or mounds to ensure proper drainage.

Before planting, remove any weeds or grass from the planting site and loosen the soil to a depth of about 12 inches. This will help the lavender roots establish themselves more easily.

Planting Lavender Seeds vs Seedlings

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can start your lavender plants from seeds. However, keep in mind that lavender seeds can be slow to germinate and may take several months to reach transplanting size. If you’re looking for a quicker route to a lavender-filled garden, consider purchasing seedlings from your local nursery or garden center.

When planting seedlings, be sure to space them about 12 to 18 inches apart, depending on the mature size of the variety. Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball, place the seedling in the hole, and backfill with a well-draining garden soil. Water the seedlings well after planting to help them settle in.

Growing Lavender in Containers

No garden space? No problem! Lavender plants can also thrive in containers, making them a great option for apartment dwellers or those with limited outdoor space. When growing lavender in containers, be sure to choose a pot with adequate drainage holes and use a well-draining potting mix.

Keep in mind that lavender plants in containers may require more frequent watering than those planted in the ground, especially during hot, dry weather. However, be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Lavender in particular likes to let its roots breathe so make sure that if it’s indoors, that you allow the soil to dry out in between watering.

And now that you have your lavender plants nestled into their new home, it’s time to focus on providing them with the care they need to flourish. In the next section, we’ll dive into the essential aspects of lavender plant care and maintenance.

Lavender Plant Care and Maintenance

Sunlight Requirements

Lavender plants are sun worshippers, so make sure they get plenty of direct sunlight. Aim for at least 6 hours of full sun per day. However, if you live in a particularly hot climate, your lavender may appreciate a bit of afternoon shade to prevent scorching.

Watering Requirements

One of the biggest mistakes novice lavender growers make is overwatering. Lavender plants prefer well-draining soil and can tolerate drought once established. Water deeply but infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out between watering sessions. In humid climates, be extra cautious not to overwater, as this can lead to fungal disease.

a closeup of water droplets on a leaf

Soil Type and Drainage

Lavender plants thrive in well-draining, sandy, or gravelly soil. If your soil is heavy or clay-like, consider amending it with sand, gravel, or organic matter to improve drainage. Avoid planting lavender in low-lying or soggy areas, as this can also lead to root rot.

These plants also prefer alkaline soil in the pH range from 6.7 to 7.3. If you live in a region with acidic soils (aka a lower soil ph number), you can either plant your lavender in a pot, or you can amend your soil with 2 to 3 ounces of lime per cubic foot of soil. 

Fertilizing Lavender Plants

Lavender plants are not heavy feeders and do not require frequent fertilization. In fact, over-fertilizing can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of flower production. If desired, apply a light layer of compost or a slow-release, low-nitrogen fertilizer once a year in the spring.

Temperature Range and Hardiness Zones

Lavender plants are generally hardy in USDA zones 5-9, depending on the variety. English lavender is the most cold-tolerant, while French and Spanish lavender prefer milder climates. In colder regions, consider planting lavender in containers that can be brought indoors during the winter months.

the sun shining through oak trees

Spacing and Air Circulation

When planting lavender, be sure to provide adequate spacing between plants to allow for proper air circulation. This helps prevent fungal diseases and promotes healthy growth. As a general rule, space plants about 12 to 18 inches apart, depending on the mature size of the variety. If your plants start outgrowing their space, consider pruning around them to allow them good airflow around their branches. 

Mulching Around Lavender

While mulching is generally beneficial for many plants, lavender prefers bare soil around its base. Avoid mulching directly around the plant, as this can trap moisture and lead to stem rot. Instead, use a light layer of gravel or sand to suppress weeds and improve drainage.

Pruning and Shaping Lavender Shrubs

Pruning is essential to maintain the shape and health of your lavender plants. Prune your lavender once a year, immediately after flowering, by removing about one-third of the plant’s height. This encourages new growth and helps prevent the plant from becoming woody and unproductive.

Overwintering Lavender Plants

In colder regions, lavender plants may need protection during the winter months. Before the first frost, prune your lavender plants and cover them with a layer of mulch or straw. In areas with harsh winters, consider planting lavender in containers that can be brought indoors or moved to a protected location.

Propagating Lavender

One of the joys of growing lavender is the ability to propagate your plants, creating new lavender babies to add to your garden or share with fellow plant enthusiasts. There are several ways to propagate lavender, each with its own advantages and challenges. Let’s explore the three main methods: growing from seed, taking cuttings, and dividing mature plants.

Propagating Lavender from Seed

Growing lavender from seed can be a bit of a patience game, but it’s a rewarding experience nonetheless. To start, sow lavender seeds in a well-draining seed starting mix in early spring. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and place the seed tray in a warm, bright location. Lavender seeds can take up to a month to germinate, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see sprouts right away!

Once your lavender seedlings have several sets of true leaves, you can transplant them into individual pots or into your garden. Keep in mind that lavender grown from seed may not have the same characteristics as the parent plant, as many varieties are hybrids.

Taking Lavender Cuttings

Taking cuttings is a popular and relatively easy way to propagate lavender. In late spring or early summer, select healthy, non-flowering stems and cut them about 4-6 inches below the leaf node. Remove the lower leaves, leaving only a few at the top of the cutting.

Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone and plant it in a well-draining potting mix. Water the cuttings and place them in a warm, bright location out of direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and in a few weeks, you should see new growth indicating that the cutting has rooted.

Dividing Mature Lavender Plants

If you have mature lavender plants that have become woody or unproductive, division can be a great way to rejuvenate them while also creating new plants. In early spring or fall, carefully dig up the lavender plant and gently separate the roots into smaller sections, each with its own set of leaves and roots.

Replant the divisions in well-draining soil, spacing them about 12 to 18 inches apart. Water the newly planted divisions well and keep the soil moist but not soggy until they establish themselves.

No matter which propagation method you choose, it’s always a thrill to watch your new lavender plants grow and flourish. In the next section, we’ll explore the various ways you can harvest and use your homegrown lavender, from culinary creations to beautiful crafts.

Harvesting and Using Lavender

The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived: your lavender plants are bursting with fragrant blooms, ready to be harvested and enjoyed. But when is the best time to harvest lavender, and what can you do with all those delightful purple flowers? Let’s dive in and explore the many ways you can make the most of your lavender blooms.

When to Harvest Lavender Flowers

Timing is everything when it comes to harvesting lavender. For the best fragrance and oil content, harvest lavender when about half of the flower buds have opened. This typically occurs in late spring or early summer, depending on your climate and the variety of lavender you’re growing.

To harvest, simply snip the flower stems about an inch above the foliage using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. Gather the stems into bundles and secure them with twine or rubber bands.

Drying and Storing Lavender

To preserve your lavender harvest, you’ll need to dry the flowers. Hang the bundles of lavender upside down in a cool, dry, dark place with good air circulation. You can use a clothes hanger, drying rack, or even a clothesline to hang your lavender bundles.

Allow the lavender to dry for about 2-4 weeks, or until the stems snap easily when bent. Once dried, remove the flowers from the stems and store them in airtight containers away from direct sunlight. Properly dried and stored lavender can retain its fragrance for several months to a year!

Culinary Uses for Lavender

Lavender isn’t just a pretty face in the garden; it’s also a delightful culinary herb! Here are a few ways to incorporate lavender into your kitchen creations:

  • Brew a soothing cup of lavender tea
  • Infuse sugar or honey with lavender for a floral twist
  • Add a pinch of dried lavender to baked goods like scones, cookies, or cakes
  • Create a refreshing lavender lemonade or cocktail
  • Use lavender as a rub for grilled meats or roasted vegetables

Remember to use culinary-grade lavender and start with a light hand, as the flavor can be quite strong.

Crafting with Lavender

Lavender’s beauty and fragrance make it a popular choice for a variety of crafts. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Create fragrant sachets filled with dried lavender to freshen drawers and closets
  • Make lavender bath salts or body scrubs for a luxurious spa experience
  • Weave lavender wands or wreaths for a beautiful, aromatic decoration
  • Infuse oil or vinegar with lavender for a unique gift or pantry staple
  • Press and dry lavender flowers for use in candles, soaps, or potpourri

The possibilities are endless when it comes to crafting with lavender, so let your imagination run wild!

a bunch of lavender tied together with a purple ribbon

Harvesting and using your homegrown lavender is a rewarding experience that engages all the senses. Whether you’re sipping a cup of lavender tea, baking a batch of lavender scones, or creating a beautiful lavender wreath, you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits (or rather, the flowers) of your labor. In the next section, we’ll tackle some common problems you may encounter while growing lavender and how to troubleshoot them.

Troubleshooting Lavender Problems

As much as we’d like our lavender plants to be problem-free, sometimes issues arise. Don’t worry, though – most lavender problems are easily remedied with a little know-how and some TLC. Let’s take a look at some common issues and how to fix them.

Common Pests and Diseases

While lavender is generally pest-resistant, it can occasionally fall victim to certain insects and diseases. Here are a few to watch out for:

  • Aphids: These tiny pests can cause distorted growth and yellowing leaves. Blast them off with a strong jet of water or treat with insecticidal soap.
  • Spittlebugs: These pests create a frothy foam on the stems and leaves. Remove the foam and bugs by hand or treat with insecticidal soap.
  • Root rot: Caused by overwatering or poor drainage, root rot can cause wilting, yellowing, and stunted growth. Ensure proper drainage and avoid overwatering to prevent this issue.
  • Leaf spot: Fungal diseases can cause spots on the leaves. Remove affected leaves and ensure good air circulation around the plant.

By keeping an eye out for these issues and addressing them quickly, you can keep your lavender plants healthy and thriving.

Issues with Lavender Not Blooming

If your lavender plant isn’t producing those lovely fragrant flowers, there could be a few reasons why:

  • Insufficient sunlight: Lavender needs at least 6 hours of full sun per day to bloom properly. Ensure your plant is getting enough sunlight.
  • Overwatering: Too much water can lead to foliage growth at the expense of flower production. Ensure your lavender is planted in well-draining soil and avoid overwatering.
  • Overfertilizing: Excessive nitrogen can lead to lush foliage but few flowers. Go easy on the fertilizer, and choose a low-nitrogen option.
  • Pruning at the wrong time: Pruning lavender too late in the season can remove the flower buds for the following year. Prune immediately after flowering for best results.

By addressing these issues, you can encourage your lavender plant to produce a bountiful harvest of fragrant blooms.

Fixing Leggy or Woody Lavender Plants

Over time, lavender plants can become leggy or woody, producing fewer flowers and looking less than their best. Here’s how to rejuvenate them:

  • Prune annually: Prune your lavender plants back by about one-third immediately after flowering each year. This encourages new growth and helps maintain a compact shape.
  • Reshape older plants: If your lavender has become woody and unproductive, you can try reshaping it by cutting it back to about 6 inches above the ground in the spring. This drastic pruning can stimulate new growth, but be aware that not all plants will survive this treatment.
  • Replace old plants: If your lavender is more than 5 years old and has become woody and unproductive, it may be time to replace it with a new plant. Consider using some of the propagation tips above if you have a bit of patience!

Remember, even the most experienced gardeners encounter problems from time to time. The key is to stay vigilant, address issues promptly, and not be afraid to ask for help when needed. With a little patience and care, your lavender plants will bounce back and reward you with their stunning beauty and intoxicating fragrance.


Well, there you have it, my fellow lavender enthusiasts! We’ve covered a lot of ground in this journey through the wonderful world of lavender plants. From choosing the right variety for your herb garden to planting, caring for, and harvesting these fragrant beauties, you now have the knowledge and tools to create your own lavender oasis.

Remember, growing lavender is not just about the destination, but also the journey. There will be triumphs and challenges along the way, but with each lesson learned, you’ll become a more confident and skilled gardener. Embrace the process, and don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things.

And remember, if you ever have questions or need advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to your fellow gardeners or consult reliable resources. The gardening community is a welcoming and supportive one, always ready to lend a helping hand or share a bit of wisdom.

So, go forth and grow, my friends! May your lavender plants be bountiful, your harvests plentiful, and your gardens filled with the enchanting beauty and fragrance of these timeless herbs. Happy digging!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is lavender easy to grow?

Lavender is generally considered an easy-to-grow herb, as long as you provide it with the right conditions. It thrives in well-draining soil, full sun, and good drainage. If you can offer these basic requirements, your lavender plants should be relatively low-maintenance and problem-free.

How long does it take for lavender to grow?

The time it takes for lavender to reach maturity depends on the variety and growing conditions. Most lavender plants will reach their full size within 2-3 years, although some may take longer. However, you can typically expect to see flowers in the first or second year after planting.

If you’re starting lavender from seed, keep in mind that germination can take several weeks, and the seedlings will need some time to grow before they’re ready to be transplanted into the garden.

Does lavender come back every year?

Yes, lavender is a perennial herb, which means it will come back year after year with proper care. In fact, lavender plants can live for 5-10 years or more, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

To ensure your lavender plants remain healthy and productive, be sure to prune them annually immediately after flowering. This will encourage new growth and prevent the plants from becoming woody and unproductive over time.

If you have any other questions about growing lavender that haven’t been covered in this article, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local gardening community or extension office for advice specific to your local area. With a little guidance and experience, you’ll soon become a lavender-growing pro!

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Air Plant Care

Air plants are some amazing plants! Undergoing thousands of years of evolution, they’ve found unique ways to compete for water and sunlight among an entire forest! But now the question is how do we get these highly specialized plants to survive in or extremely different home environments?! Well, that’s what we’re going to talk about today!

Don’t have any air plants yet?! You can get some here!

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Air Plant Care: Light Requirements

Air plants do best in bright, indirect light. The only time they can withstand direct sunlight is during the winter when temperatures are lower. If plants are in hot, direct sunlight, their leaves will burn and they could die.

Air Plant Care: Water Requirements

Incorrect watering is the main cause of air plant death. Because of this, and because of the unique way of watering, I’ve decided to create an entire post dedicated to show you how to water your air plant. You can check it out here!

Air Plant Care: Additional Tips

One of the craziest things about air plants is that they can absorb nutrients through their leaves! Fertilize your plant once every two weeks with a high-phosphorous fertilizer. This can be done by spraying the leaves with a liquid fertilizer and then shaking off any excess moisture. Only fertilize it during the spring and summer. Do not fertilize it during the fall or winter.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips about air plant care! And feel free to leave any further questions or comments about your own successes or failures below!

Happy Digging!

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African Violet Plant Care

African violets are a very common plant in the indoors. Not only do they have soft, attractive leaves, but they also flower like crazy! For example, you can propagate your own plant (that might take up to three months), but once the plantlet is established, it could flower within 6 months! For plant time, that is fast!!! But I’m sure you already know how adorable this little guy is, so I’m just going to tell you about how to take care of your African Violet to enjoy these blooms year after year!

Don’t own an African Violet yet?! You can get one here!!!

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African Violet Plant Care: Light Requirements

African violets can tolerate a wide range of lighting, however, they do not do well in hot, direct sunlight. Try to give it either morning or evening sunlight or keep it in indirect light. If your plant isn’t flowering it could either need more light, or more darkness. In order for African violets to flower, they need at least 8 hours of complete darkness at night. They also need at least 12 hours of sunlight during the day. So if it’s getting plenty of darkness at night and buds still aren’t forming, then consider purchasing some supplemental lighting.

African Violet Plant Care: Water Requirements

African violets like to be kept lightly moist, but not wet. If the soil feels spongy because of moisture, then it is too wet. During the winter, your plant will have a resting period and will need to be allowed to dry down to the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of soil before watering it again. Also, make sure that you don’t get the leaves wet when watering. The best way to avoid this is to bottom-water your plant. Make sure that your pot has drainage holes and place it in a shallow tray of water. After 10 minutes, remove the pot and let any excess water drain. This is the best method for watering African Violets.

African Violet Plant Care: Additional Tips

One big thing to keep in mind is that African Violets like to grow in acidic soil. Pot your plant in either an African Violet soil mix, a Hydrangea mix, or a mix of potting soil and peat moss. This will ensure that your plant stays healthy!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips and good luck carrying for your beautiful African Violet! Feel free to leave any questions or comments below. And for more extensive plant care information please join my email list and receive a free welcome guide!

Happy Digging!

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Zebra Plant Succulent Care

Hey guys! And welcome to another awesome plant care post! Today we’re going to talk about the Zebra plant! This is the Haworthia succulent to be specific… not the Calathea zebra plant. But Haworthia can be a little tricky. This is because there are two main types of Haworthias: the one with little white ridges on the underside of their leaves (hereafter referred to as the Zebra Haworthia), and the translucent or completely transparent wonders (hereafter called the Transparent Haworthia). These two types differ slightly in their care, but I’m feeling awesome today so I’m going to tell you about both!

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Zebra Plant Succulent Care: Light Requirements

Haworthias generally need some direct sunlight but you need to be careful. Zebra Haworthias can tolerate some afternoon heat with its sunlight, but Transparent Haworthias are easily burned, so these little guys do better in east or west facing windows where they will still get some sunlight, but they will be protected from the heat of the day!

Zebra Plant Succulent Care: Water Requirements

In general, Haworthias need to be watered only once their soil has lightly dried up. However, during their dormant period, they use less water and should only be watered enough to keep the soil from completely drying out.

Zebra Plant Succulent Care: Additional Tips

I’m sure you’re asking, “When does my Haworthia go dormant?!” Well, that depends on what type of Haworthia you have. Zebra Haworthias go dormant from October through April and Transparent Haworthias go dormant from April through September. Why is this? Think of the northern and southern hemispheres… the Zebra Haworthia goes dormant during the northern hemisphere’s winter, but the Transparent Haworthia goes dormant during the southern hemisphere’s winter (from April to September!). Make sure to see which Haworthia you have and to care for it accordingly!

I hope this helps to clear up a few things! For propagation information on this plant, check out my post on Haworthia Propagation! Please leave any other questions or comments below! I know these are fun succulents, but any plant can be confusing sometimes! And for more expert tips sent weekly to your email, sign up for my email list! Every new subscriber gets a free welcome guide!

Happy Digging!

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